As sea kayakers we aim to develop skills that allow us to have fun while appreciating to the full the amazing journeys our sea kayaks can take us on.

These journeys can range from short and local to multi-day or even multi week. What ever the of journeys we choose we need to be competent to tackle these safely. Our biggest kayaking resource is our own paddling skills and our knowledge about the ever changing seas around us. 

Coaching and Training on our club web site is split into two subsections:

FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) - information relating to coaching and training in the club

Club activities and how these relate to formally recognised qualifications - a slide presentation showing pathways to skills progression 


Coaching and Training FAQ

Do I need qualifications to join the club and start sea kayaking? 

You do not need need qualifications or experience prior to joining LSKC.

Coaching in the club is focused on sea kayaking but during the winter months we run indoor sessions in the swimming pool at Leith Academy. This is an ideal way to be introduced to kayaking, learn fundamental skills and meet other club members. Once you are a club member you can book pool sessions. From the spring onwards we take to the sea via organised day long club paddles which are graded by level of challenge, Pathway, Grade A, Grade B and Grade C. Follow this link for What Trip is Right For Me?.

What Opportunities does the Club Offer To Progress My Skills?

Spending time out on the water with other more experienced club members and participating in peer paddling will form the core of your progression. This is supported by structured coaching sessions, sometimes in the evenings and sometimes over a full day. These take place at a variety of locations, Portobello, North Berwick, North Queensferry and Aberdour as well as further afield. There are also many online resources that exist and coaches will on occasion recommend some of these. See the Qualifications and Skills section below for more detail regarding a skills progression pathway. 

What sort of skills will the club help me develop?

There are a relatively limited number of kayak paddle strokes that make up the tool kit of what constitutes a ‘competent sea kayaker’. Essentially these include paddling forward and backwards efficiently, being able to turn your kayak in the desired direction and strokes to keep you up the right way in rougher conditions. As conditions become more dynamic and challenging the skilled sea kayaker can blend different paddle strokes into each other and stay relaxed in bigger seas. They can also rescue and tow other kayakers and control their kayak in windier conditions. 

The Personal Performance Awards listed in the Qualifications and Skills Pathways section below are an ideal way to structure your skill development and learn about interpreting the effects of wind and tide on our sea kayaking planning. There are also many resources available in book and online formats and the more experienced members will be happy to share their favoured choices of information on an add hoc basis and through occasional club winter talks . As you progress your skills you may also choose to access courses such as those focusing on Coastal Navigation and Tidal Planning, First Aid and VHF Radio qualifications. 

How much does training cost?

Much of the coaching and training that takes place is provided by other club members who donate their time free of charge. For some sessions a charge is made, for example those associated with swimming pool hire. As you move from beginner through intermediate to advanced skills you may choose to access coaching opportunities that are costed on the basis of the club coaches traveling expenses. LSKC members can follow this link Expenses Policy to access the LSKC Expenses Policy.

On occasion club members may also access specific training courses outwith the club paying professional providers a commercial rate. A list of professional providers who club members have used is accessed here ************

Who provides coaching and training?

There are many very experienced sea kayakers in the club who share 'top tips’ and ‘how to’ knowledge in the course of club paddles. In addition there are an ever increasing number of members who hold formally assessed British Canoeing Qualifications such as Sea Kayak Leader and Sea Kayak Coach qualifications. See the Qualifications and Skills Pathways section below for more details and the club register of members holding qualifications here ****************** 

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Formal Qualifications

Club activities and how these relate to formally recognised qualifications 

The Kayaking Roadmap: Paddling Pathway Powerpoint Presentation