LSKC Protocol for using club networks

LSKC Protocol for using club networks- website, facebook and email.

1. No promotions or spam

Commercial posts not allowed, overt self promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed. Facebook / club networks should only be used by members to share our enthusiasm for sea kayaking, this can include members reviews of kit, courses, trips and, but not only, LSKC activities. Training opportunities agreed with the training coordinator may be posted.

2. Maintain a friendly and welcoming environment

We’re in this together to create a welcoming environment don’t spoil our experience by using our facebook page/ club networks to argue with each other. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Bullying of any kind isn’t tolerated and degrading comments about things such as race, religion,culture,sexual orientation or identitiy will not be tolerated.

3. Use the club email system for club business

Many members do not use facebook. Our email system should continue to be the club’s primary communication channel for trips, training, contacting the committee and policy discussions. The facebook page is not an appropriate debating forum for club policy.

Where whatsapp groups are formed to make arrangements relating to club activities please ensure the trips coordinator is given details so that groups remain accessible to other members appropriate for inclusion.

4 Respect everyone’s privacy

Being part of this facebook, and club email group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great but may also be sensitive and private, use personal messages to directly discuss matters rather than have public squabbles on this page. No personal information should be shared or posted- use direct messages if needed for phone numbers.

DS May 2024