Welcome To Lothian Sea Kayak Club

LSKC is a recreational peer paddling sea kayaking club based on mutual support help and encouragement.

Over 300 members organise amongst themselves a variety of activities from short evening paddles to multi day trips. These peer paddles are the basis of club activity.

On these peer paddles each paddler has responsibility for their own safety and wellbeing.

The club recognises that many paddlers in the early stages of the sport lack the necessary experience and skills to ensure their own safety on the water. The club organises led /supported excursions known as Pathway and Grade A paddles to support this level of activity and organises training and skills sessions where newer and less experienced paddlers can gain knowledge and confidence and develop their skills, whilst more experienced paddlers are encouraged to gain formal qualifications should they choose to do so.The club also has equipment which may be hired, this is maintained to a high standard.

Most members are based in the Lothian/ Fife area, where most of our day to day activity is based.

We have no fixed base, but instead have an active programme over the summer and winter where members meet at pre-arranged venues for training, expedition and social events. The club is affiliated to the Scottish Canoe Association/ Paddle Scotland.

​We have a facebook page for informal use,  but use this website to provide information, including a calendar of trips and events. Our main means of communication for members is our email network.

We provide storage for members and the range of club equipment at 2 sites- Swanston and North Queensferry Harbour.

Trips are graded Pathway ( introductory), A, B and C – Pathway and Grade A-grade trips are club organised and led, Grade B and  C-grade for experienced paddlers only, and are organised as peer paddles. A description of the capabilities expected of paddlers on the different grades of trip is given in the ‘what trip is right for me’ on the club website. What trip is right for me? | Lothian Sea Kayak Club (lskc.org)


Club Ethos/ Values

The central ethos of the club is mutuality. New members join to gain knowledge, support and safety from other members. Many of these new members in turn apply and share that knowledge for the benefit of others who follow them. The voluntary principle applies- support is given free of charge.

Where equipment is provided the club supplies it at or near cost. Where qualifications are sought and external expertise is needed, the club tries to arrange this at minimum cost to members. Where qualified members need to invest in training to maintain their leadership or safety qualifications and where that directly benefits the club ( e.g. First Aid certificate renewal) the club may support or wholly fund that cost on the basis of wider benefit to members.

The club subscription (£12) remains low and offers great value and helps ensure accessibility. If people want to offer costed trips or services as private individuals, they can but, as with other providers, they should not be using the club infrastructure to advertise or promote them without checking with the committee first. Consultation took place recently and a common sense protocol was approved for posting on our facebook page, website and email networks which ensures equitable approaches for all who wish to communicate with each other.(See below **)

Our approach of mutuality also ensures that the club does not become involved in employment or other liabilities. We have been guided in this by Sport Scotland and the practice of other clubs and sports.

DS May 2024

April, 2023’s Photo Competition Winner ‘Mike Buckley paddling on Loch Etive, Good Friday’

(Courtesy and (c) Catherine Isherwood.)